Conveniently located to serve Newnan, Peachtree City and LaGrange

Newnan Mohs Surgery

Happy Couple


Mohs Surgery Before & After
Mohs Surgery Before & After

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S., affecting over two million people annually. Along with genetic predisposition and certain biological factors, the use of tanning beds, sun exposure, and sun damage can significantly increase the likelihood of developing skin cancer.

While skin cancer can negatively impact your health and appearance, there are many effective treatment approaches, including Mohs surgery. With a success rate of 99 percent for certain tumors, Mohs surgery has the advantages of a high cure rate, tissue-sparing effects, and cost-effectiveness. Mohs surgery is an excellent option for skin cancers on the head and neck, large tumors, or recurrent skin cancers.

During the surgery, small layers of tissue are excised from the identified tumor; these are then examined microscopically to determine if cancer cells are present at the edges of the sample. If so, more layers are removed, until there are no identified cancer cells left in the samples.

The entire procedure takes approximately one to four hours, depending on the size of the tumor, and is performed as an outpatient procedure. Mohs surgery results in the smallest scar possible. Our goal is not only to remove the cancer, but also to leave our patients with minimal visible scarring. We encourage you to explore our information about Mohs surgery to learn what you can expect pre- and post-surgery.

Surgeons performing a Mohs surgery should be board-certified in dermatology, and should be familiar with reconstructive procedures and practices. Your surgeon should also have special training in dermatopathology, and a CLIA-certified lab. As a recognized member of the American College of Mohs Surgery and an accredited fellow in Procedural Dermatology, I not only perform Mohs surgery on a regular basis, but act as a teacher and mentor for other doctors throughout the country. My goal is to provide you with the best care possible and to give you the best health I can.

For more information about Mohs surgery, please explore the provided links at the side of this page. I look forward to meeting you in person. It is an honor and privilege to serve as your Mohs surgeon.


Dr Harvey's Signature
Board Certified Micrographic Dermatologic Surgery
Board Certified Dermatology
Board Certified Internal Medicine
Past President, Georgia Society of Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery
Past President, Florida Society of Dermatology & Dermatologic Surgery
Past President, Florida Society of Dermatologic Surgeons
Adjunct Assistant Professor of Dermatology, Emory School of Medicine
Fellow, American Academy of Dermatology
Fellow, American College of Mohs Surgery (ACGME certified)
Fellow, American Society of Dermatologic Surgery
Fellow, American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery

About Micrographic Dermatologic Surgery Board Certification

Dr Harvey passed the ABD’s 2021 Micrographic Dermatologic Surgery Subspecialty Certification Examination. On October 4, 2021.

A certification in this subspecialty demonstrates that our practice meets the high standards of knowledge and skill in Micrographic Dermatologic Surgery, and that we are dedicated to life-long learning in the field so that we can best serve our patients. Our practice has the additional distinction of being among the first to achieve certification in the MDS Subspecialty.


“Great experience. Dr Harvey and his staff are wonderful. They nurses had me laughing the whole time. I would highly recommend, if you are in search of a Dermatologist.”

by SW

  • AACS
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  • ABD
  • ABD
  • Piedmont Healthcare
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